Oakland, TN bed bug
Facts & Information

How to identify & Control bed bugs


Bed bugs are troublesome household pests. They’re sneaky, hard to find, and can pose potential health risks for you and your family. Armed with pest control capabilities backed by science, over 79 years of experience, and state-of-the-art tools and products, James Pest Management is well-equipped to assess your bed bug problem and mount a strategic response to rid your home of the pest and provide maximum protection.

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs have small, flat, oval-shaped bodies. They are wingless. Adults do have the vestiges of wings called wing pads, but they do not fully develop into functional wings.

Adults are brown in color, although their bodies redden after feeding. Full-grown bed bugs move relatively slowly and measure between 4 to 5 mm. Homeowners sometimes have the misconception that bed bugs are too small to see with the naked eye. The nymphs may be small and difficult to see, but the adults are detectable with the naked eye and may be found in the cracks and crevices they use to hide.

Newly hatched nymphs are approximately the size of the head of a pin and are white or tan until they feed. They often are described as being about the size and shape of an apple seed.

Signs of a bed bug infestation

how did i get bed bugs?

Bed bugs are transported by people, most often in personal belongings such as the following:

  • Luggage & Suitcases
  • Purses
  • Gym bags
  • Items kept close to sleep areas


They can hide in your personal belongings, or even on you, and hitchhike a ride back to your home, condo, townhouse or apartment. It’s possible to pick up bed bugs almost any place – they’ve infested offices, stores, hotels, gyms and countless other places.

Many people ask if bed bugs can jump, but they can’t and don’t travel that way.

how do i get rid of bed bugs?

To the untrained eye, rooting out a bed bug infestation can prove difficult, and even if discovered, home remedies and over-the-counter deterrents are often ineffective. Utilizing our protection process, a highly-trained James Pest specialist will assess your home, implement a solution, and monitor activity to ensure the effectiveness of our efforts and offer added peace of mind.

Frequently asked questions

In short, yes. With just one pregnant female bed bug, you can be infested with over 300 adults and 1000 new eggs in three months.

To the untrained eye, rooting out a bed bug infestation can prove difficult, and even if discovered, home remedies and over-the-counter deterrents are often ineffective. 

Bed bugs usually are found close to where people spend much of their time, and since they have flattened bodies, they like to get into small cracks and crevice near where people sleep. Examples include mattresses, box springs, headboards, footboards, bed frames and other furniture that is within 5-8 feet of the bed.

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PROTECT your home from bed bugs

When it comes to pest control, you need someone you can trust! With 79 years of experience and a team of skilled professionals, we'll make sure to keep the bed bugs away.